package LDraw.Support; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import Common.Box2; import Common.Box3; import Common.Matrix3; import Common.Matrix4; import Common.Ray3; import Common.Segment3; import Common.Size2; import Common.Vector2f; import Common.Vector3f; import Common.Vector4f; public class MatrixMath { public static final float SMALL_NUMBER = 1.e-6f; public static float V2BoxWidth(Box2 box) { return (box.getSize().getWidth()); } // ========== V2BoxHeight // ======================================================= // ============================================================================== public static float V2BoxHeight(Box2 box) { return (box.getSize().getHeight()); } // ========== V2Make // ============================================================ // // Purpose: Make a 2D point. // // ============================================================================== public static Vector2f V2Make(float x, float y) { Vector2f point = new Vector2f(x, y); return point; } // ========== V2BoxMaxX // ========================================================= // ============================================================================== public static float V2BoxMaxX(Box2 box) { return (box.getOrigin().getX() + box.getSize().getWidth()); } // ========== V2BoxMaxY // ========================================================= // ============================================================================== public static float V2BoxMaxY(Box2 box) { return (box.getOrigin().getY() + box.getSize().getHeight()); } // ========== V2BoxMidX // ========================================================= // ============================================================================== public static float V2BoxMidX(Box2 box) { return (box.getOrigin().getX() + V2BoxWidth(box) * 0.5f); } // ========== V2BoxMidY // ========================================================= // ============================================================================== public static float V2BoxMidY(Box2 box) { return (box.getOrigin().getY() + V2BoxHeight(box) * 0.5f); } // ========== V2BoxMinX // ========================================================= // ============================================================================== public static float V2BoxMinX(Box2 box) { return box.getOrigin().getX(); } // ========== V2BoxMinY // ========================================================= // ============================================================================== public static float V2BoxMinY(Box2 box) { return box.getOrigin().getY(); } // ========== Matrix4CreateFromGLMatrix4() // ====================================== // // Purpose: Returns a two-dimensional (row matrix) representation of the // given OpenGL transformation matrix. // // +- -+ // +- -+ +- -+| a d g 0 | // |a d g 0 b e h 0 c f i 0 x y z 1| -. |x y z 1|| b e h 0 | // +- -+ +- -+| c f i 0 | // | x y z 1 | // +- -+ // OpenGL Matrix Format Matrix4 Format // (flat column-major of transpose) (shown multiplied by a point) // // ============================================================================== public static Matrix4 Matrix4CreateFromGLMatrix4(float[] glMatrix) { int row, column; Matrix4 newMatrix = new Matrix4(); float[][] elements = newMatrix.getElement(); for (row = 0; row < 4; row++) for (column = 0; column < 4; column++) elements[row][column] = glMatrix[row * 4 + column]; return newMatrix; }// end Matrix4CreateFromGLMatrix4 // ========== Matrix4Invert() // =================================================== // // Purpose: calculate the inverse of a 4x4 matrix // // -1 // A = ___1__ adjoint A // det A // // ============================================================================== public static Matrix4 Matrix4Invert(Matrix4 in) { Matrix4 out = Matrix4.getIdentityMatrix4(); int i; int j; float det = 0.0f; MatrixMath.Matrix4Adjoint(in, out); // Calculate the 4x4 determinant // If the determinant is zero, then the inverse matrix is not unique. det = Matrix4x4Determinant(in); if (Math.abs(det) < SMALL_NUMBER) { // The result of attempting to derive the inverse of a // non-invertible // matrix is undefined in OpenGL: // // However, it is NOT permitted to cause program termination or // corruption! // printf("Non-singular matrix, no inverse!\n"); // exit(1); } else { // scale the adjoint matrix to get the inverse float elements[][] = out.getElement(); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) elements[i][j] = elements[i][j] / det; out.setElements(elements); } return out; }// end Matrix4Invert // ========== Matrix4Adjoint() // ================================================== // // Purpose: calculate the adjoint of a 4x4 matrix // // Let a denote the minor determinant of matrix A obtained by // ij // // deleting the ith row and jth column from A. // // i+j // Let b = (-1) a // ij ji // // The matrix B = (b ) is the adjoint of A // ij // // ============================================================================== public static void Matrix4Adjoint(Matrix4 in, Matrix4 out) { float a1, a2, a3, a4, b1, b2, b3, b4; float c1, c2, c3, c4, d1, d2, d3, d4; /* assign to individual variable names to aid */ /* selecting correct values */ float elements_in[][] = in.getElement(); a1 = elements_in[0][0]; b1 = elements_in[0][1]; c1 = elements_in[0][2]; d1 = elements_in[0][3]; a2 = elements_in[1][0]; b2 = elements_in[1][1]; c2 = elements_in[1][2]; d2 = elements_in[1][3]; a3 = elements_in[2][0]; b3 = elements_in[2][1]; c3 = elements_in[2][2]; d3 = elements_in[2][3]; a4 = elements_in[3][0]; b4 = elements_in[3][1]; c4 = elements_in[3][2]; d4 = elements_in[3][3]; /* row column labeling reversed since we transpose rows columns */ float elements_out[][] = out.getElement(); elements_out[0][0] = MatrixMath.Matrix3x3Determinant(b2, b3, b4, c2, c3, c4, d2, d3, d4); elements_out[1][0] = -MatrixMath.Matrix3x3Determinant(a2, a3, a4, c2, c3, c4, d2, d3, d4); elements_out[2][0] = MatrixMath.Matrix3x3Determinant(a2, a3, a4, b2, b3, b4, d2, d3, d4); elements_out[3][0] = -MatrixMath.Matrix3x3Determinant(a2, a3, a4, b2, b3, b4, c2, c3, c4); elements_out[0][1] = -MatrixMath.Matrix3x3Determinant(b1, b3, b4, c1, c3, c4, d1, d3, d4); elements_out[1][1] = MatrixMath.Matrix3x3Determinant(a1, a3, a4, c1, c3, c4, d1, d3, d4); elements_out[2][1] = -MatrixMath.Matrix3x3Determinant(a1, a3, a4, b1, b3, b4, d1, d3, d4); elements_out[3][1] = MatrixMath.Matrix3x3Determinant(a1, a3, a4, b1, b3, b4, c1, c3, c4); elements_out[0][2] = MatrixMath.Matrix3x3Determinant(b1, b2, b4, c1, c2, c4, d1, d2, d4); elements_out[1][2] = -MatrixMath.Matrix3x3Determinant(a1, a2, a4, c1, c2, c4, d1, d2, d4); elements_out[2][2] = MatrixMath.Matrix3x3Determinant(a1, a2, a4, b1, b2, b4, d1, d2, d4); elements_out[3][2] = -MatrixMath.Matrix3x3Determinant(a1, a2, a4, b1, b2, b4, c1, c2, c4); elements_out[0][3] = -MatrixMath.Matrix3x3Determinant(b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3, d1, d2, d3); elements_out[1][3] = MatrixMath.Matrix3x3Determinant(a1, a2, a3, c1, c2, c3, d1, d2, d3); elements_out[2][3] = -MatrixMath.Matrix3x3Determinant(a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, d1, d2, d3); elements_out[3][3] = MatrixMath.Matrix3x3Determinant(a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3); out.setElements(elements_out); }// end Matrix4Adjoint // ========== Matrix3x3Determinant // ============================================== // // Purpose: Calculate the determinant of a 3x3 matrix in the form // // | a1, b1, c1 | // | a2, b2, c2 | // | a3, b3, c3 | // // ============================================================================== public static float Matrix3x3Determinant(float a1, float a2, float a3, float b1, float b2, float b3, float c1, float c2, float c3) { float ans; ans = a1 * Matrix2x2Determinant(b2, b3, c2, c3) - b1 * Matrix2x2Determinant(a2, a3, c2, c3) + c1 * Matrix2x2Determinant(a2, a3, b2, b3); return ans; }// end Matrix3x3Determinant // ========== Matrix2x2Determinant // ============================================== // // Purpose: Calculate the determinant of a 2x2 matrix. // // ============================================================================== public static float Matrix2x2Determinant(float a, float b, float c, float d) { float ans; ans = a * d - b * c; return ans; }// end Matrix2x2Determinant // ========== Matrix4x4Determinant() // ============================================ // // Purpose: calculate the determinant of a 4x4 matrix. // // Source: Graphic Gems II, Spencer W. Thomas // // ============================================================================== public static float Matrix4x4Determinant(Matrix4 m) { float ans; float a1, a2, a3, a4, b1, b2, b3, b4, c1, c2, c3, c4, d1, d2, d3, d4; /* assign to individual variable names to aid selecting */ /* correct elements */ float elements[][] = m.getElement(); a1 = elements[0][0]; b1 = elements[0][1]; c1 = elements[0][2]; d1 = elements[0][3]; a2 = elements[1][0]; b2 = elements[1][1]; c2 = elements[1][2]; d2 = elements[1][3]; a3 = elements[2][0]; b3 = elements[2][1]; c3 = elements[2][2]; d3 = elements[2][3]; a4 = elements[3][0]; b4 = elements[3][1]; c4 = elements[3][2]; d4 = elements[3][3]; ans = a1 * Matrix3x3Determinant(b2, b3, b4, c2, c3, c4, d2, d3, d4) - b1 * Matrix3x3Determinant(a2, a3, a4, c2, c3, c4, d2, d3, d4) + c1 * Matrix3x3Determinant(a2, a3, a4, b2, b3, b4, d2, d3, d4) - d1 * Matrix3x3Determinant(a2, a3, a4, b2, b3, b4, c2, c3, c4); return ans; }// end Matrix4x4Determinant // ========== V3Add // ============================================================= // // Purpose: return vector sum c = a + b // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f V3Add(Vector3f a, Vector3f b) { Vector3f result = new Vector3f(); result.setX(a.getX() + b.getX()); result.setY(a.getY() + b.getY()); result.setZ(a.getZ() + b.getZ()); return result; }// end V3Add // ========== V3Sub // ============================================================= // // Purpose: return vector difference c = a-b // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f V3Sub(Vector3f a, Vector3f b) { Vector3f result = new Vector3f(); result.setX(a.getX() - b.getX()); result.setY(a.getY() - b.getY()); result.setZ(a.getZ() - b.getZ()); return result; }// end V3Sub // ========== V3Dot // ============================================================= // // Purpose: return the dot product of vectors a and b // // ============================================================================== public static float V3Dot(Vector3f a, Vector3f b) { return ((a.getX() * b.getX()) + (a.getY() * b.getY()) + (a.getZ() * b .getZ())); }// end V3Dot // ========== V3Lerp // ============================================================ // // Purpose: linearly interpolate between vectors by an amount alpha and // return the resulting vector. // // When alpha=0, result=lo. When alpha=1, result=hi. // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f V3Lerp(Vector3f lo, Vector3f hi, float alpha) { Vector3f result = new Vector3f(); result.setX(LERP(alpha, lo.getX(), hi.getX())); result.setY(LERP(alpha, lo.getY(), hi.getY())); result.setZ(LERP(alpha, lo.getZ(), hi.getZ())); return (result); }// end V3Lerp public static float LERP(float t, float a, float b) { return (a) + (((b) - (a)) * (t)); } // ========== V3Combine // ========================================================= // // Purpose: make a linear combination of two vectors and return the result. // // result = (a * ascl) + (b * bscl) // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f V3Combine(Vector3f a, Vector3f b, float ascl, float bscl) { Vector3f result = new Vector3f(); result.setX((ascl * a.getX()) + (bscl * b.getX())); result.setY((ascl * a.getY()) + (bscl * b.getY())); result.setZ((ascl * a.getZ()) + (bscl * b.getZ())); return (result); }// end V3Combine // ========== V3Mul // ============================================================= // // Purpose: Multiply two vectors together component-wise and return the // result. // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f V3Mul(Vector3f a, Vector3f b) { Vector3f result = new Vector3f(); result.setX(a.getX() * b.getX()); result.setY(a.getY() * b.getY()); result.setZ(a.getZ() * b.getZ()); return (result); }// end V3Mul // ========== V3MulScalar // ======================================================= // // Purpose: Returns (a * scalar). // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f V3MulScalar(Vector3f a, float scalar) { Vector3f result = new Vector3f(); result.setX(a.getX() * scalar); result.setY(a.getY() * scalar); result.setZ(a.getZ() * scalar); return (result); }// end V3Mul // ========== V2MakeBox // ========================================================= // // Purpose: Makes a box from width and height. // // ============================================================================== public static Box2 V2MakeBox(float x, float y, float width, float height) { Box2 box = Box2.getZeroBox2(); box.getOrigin().setX(x); box.getOrigin().setY(y); box.getSize().setWidth(width); box.getSize().setHeight(height); return box; } // ========== Matrix4Multiply // ========================================================== // // Purpose: multiply together matrices c = ab // // Notes: c must not point to either of the input matrices // // ============================================================================== public static Matrix4 Matrix4Multiply(Matrix4 a, Matrix4 b) { Matrix4 c = Matrix4.getIdentityMatrix4(); int row; int column; int k; float[][] elements = c.getElement(); float[][] elements_a = a.getElement(); float[][] elements_b = b.getElement(); for (row = 0; row < 4; row++) { for (column = 0; column < 4; column++) { elements[row][column] = 0; for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) elements[row][column] += elements_a[row][k] * elements_b[k][column]; } } c.setElements(elements); return (c); }// end Matrix4Multiply // ========== V4MulPointByMatrix() // ============================================== // // Purpose: multiply a hom. point by a matrix and return the transformed // point // // Source: Graphic Gems II, Spencer W. Thomas // // ============================================================================== public static Vector4f V4MulPointByMatrix(Vector4f pin, Matrix4 m) { Vector4f pout = new Vector4f(); float[][] elements = m.getElement(); pout.setX((pin.getX() * elements[0][0]) + (pin.getY() * elements[1][0]) + (pin.getZ() * elements[2][0]) + (pin.getW() * elements[3][0])); pout.setY((pin.getX() * elements[0][1]) + (pin.getY() * elements[1][1]) + (pin.getZ() * elements[2][1]) + (pin.getW() * elements[3][1])); pout.setZ((pin.getX() * elements[0][2]) + (pin.getY() * elements[1][2]) + (pin.getZ() * elements[2][2]) + (pin.getW() * elements[3][2])); pout.setW((pin.getX() * elements[0][3]) + (pin.getY() * elements[1][3]) + (pin.getZ() * elements[2][3]) + (pin.getW() * elements[3][3])); return (pout); }// end V4MulPointByMatrix // ========== V3FromV4 // ========================================================== // // Purpose: Create a new 3D vector whose components match the given 4D // vector. Using this function is really only sensible when the 4D // vector is really a 3D one being used for convenience in 4D math. // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f V3FromV4(Vector4f originalVector) { Vector3f newVector = new Vector3f(); // This is very bad. if (originalVector.getW() != 1 && originalVector.getW() != 0) System.out.println(String.format( "lossy 4D vector conversion: <%f, %f, %f, %f>\n", originalVector.getX(), originalVector.getY(), originalVector.getZ(), originalVector.getW())); newVector.setX(originalVector.getX()); newVector.setY(originalVector.getY()); newVector.setZ(originalVector.getZ()); return newVector; }// end V3FromV4 // ========== V3IsolateGreatestComponent // ======================================== // // Purpose: Leaves unchanged the component of vector which has the greatest // absolute value, but zeroes the other components. // Example: <4, -7, 1> . <0, -7, 0>. // This is useful for figuring out the direction of input. // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f V3IsolateGreatestComponent(Vector3f vector) { if (Math.abs(vector.getX()) > Math.abs(vector.getY())) { vector.setY(0); if (Math.abs(vector.getX()) > Math.abs(vector.getZ())) vector.setZ(0); else vector.setX(0); } else { vector.setX(0); if (Math.abs(vector.getY()) > Math.abs(vector.getZ())) vector.setZ(0); else vector.setY(0); } return vector; }// end V3IsolateGreatestComponent // ========== V3Normalize // ======================================================= // // Purpose: normalizes the input vector and returns it // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f V3Normalize(Vector3f v) { float len = V3Length(v); if (len != 0.0) { v.setX(v.getX() / len); v.setY(v.getY() / len); v.setZ(v.getZ() / len); } return (v); }// end V3Normalize // ========== V3Length // ========================================================== // // Purpose: returns length of input vector // // ============================================================================== public static float V3Length(Vector3f a) { return (float) Math.sqrt(V3SquaredLength(a)); }// end V3Length // ========== V3SquaredLength // =================================================== // // Purpose: returns squared length of input vector // // Same as V3Dot(a,a) // // ============================================================================== public static float V3SquaredLength(Vector3f a) { return ((a.getX() * a.getX()) + (a.getY() * a.getY()) + (a.getZ() * a .getZ())); }// end V3SquaredLength // ========== V3Cross // =========================================================== // // Purpose: return the cross product c = a x b // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f V3Cross(Vector3f a, Vector3f b) { Vector3f c = new Vector3f(); c.setX((a.getY() * b.getZ()) - (a.getZ() * b.getY())); c.setY((a.getZ() * b.getX()) - (a.getX() * b.getZ())); c.setZ((a.getX() * b.getY()) - (a.getY() * b.getX())); return (c); }// end V3Cross // ========== V3Unproject // ======================================================= // // Purpose: Given a point in viewport coordinates, returns the location in // object coordinates. // // Notes: viewportPoint.getZ() is the depth buffer location. // // (Drop-in replacement for gluUnProject) // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f V3Unproject(Vector3f viewportPoint, Matrix4 modelview, Matrix4 projection, Box2 viewport) { Matrix4 inversePM = Matrix4.getIdentityMatrix4(); Vector3f normalized = Vector3f.getZeroVector3f(); Vector3f modelPoint = Vector3f.getZeroVector3f(); normalized.setX(2 * (viewportPoint.getX() - viewport.getOrigin().getX()) / V2BoxWidth(viewport) - 1); normalized.setY(2 * (viewportPoint.getY() - viewport.getOrigin().getY()) / V2BoxHeight(viewport) - 1); normalized.setZ(2 * (viewportPoint.getZ()) - 1); inversePM = Matrix4Invert(Matrix4Multiply(modelview, projection)); modelPoint = V3MulPointByProjMatrix(normalized, inversePM); return modelPoint; } // ========== V3MulPointByProjMatrix // ============================================ // // Purpose: multiply a point by a projective matrix and return the // transformed point // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f V3MulPointByProjMatrix(Vector3f pin, Matrix4 m) { Vector3f pout = Vector3f.getZeroVector3f(); float w = 0.0f; float[][] elements = m.getElement(); pout.setX((pin.getX() * elements[0][0]) + (pin.getY() * elements[1][0]) + (pin.getZ() * elements[2][0]) + elements[3][0]); pout.setY((pin.getX() * elements[0][1]) + (pin.getY() * elements[1][1]) + (pin.getZ() * elements[2][1]) + elements[3][1]); pout.setZ((pin.getX() * elements[0][2]) + (pin.getY() * elements[1][2]) + (pin.getZ() * elements[2][2]) + elements[3][2]); w = (pin.getX() * elements[0][3]) + (pin.getY() * elements[1][3]) + (pin.getZ() * elements[2][3]) + elements[3][3]; if (w != 0.0) { pout.setX(pout.getX() / w); pout.setY(pout.getY() / w); pout.setZ(pout.getZ() / w); } return (pout); }// end V3MulPointByProjMatrix // ========== V3Make // ============================================================ // // Purpose: create, initialize, and return a new vector // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f V3Make(float x, float y, float z) { Vector3f v = new Vector3f(x, y, z); return (v); }// end V3Make // ========== V3UnionBox // ======================================================== // // Purpose: Returns the smallest box that completely encloses both aBox // and // bBox. // // Notes: If you pass something stupid in as the parameter, you will get // an appropriately stupid answer. // // ============================================================================== public static Box3 V3UnionBox(Box3 aBox, Box3 bBox) { Box3 bounds = new Box3(); if (aBox==null || aBox == Box3.getInvalidBox()) try { bounds = (Box3) bBox.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } else if (bBox==null || bBox == Box3.getInvalidBox()) try { bounds = (Box3) aBox.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } else { bounds.getMin().setX( Math.min(aBox.getMin().getX(), bBox.getMin().getX())); bounds.getMin().setY( Math.min(aBox.getMin().getY(), bBox.getMin().getY())); bounds.getMin().setZ( Math.min(aBox.getMin().getZ(), bBox.getMin().getZ())); bounds.getMax().setX( Math.max(aBox.getMax().getX(), bBox.getMax().getX())); bounds.getMax().setY( Math.max(aBox.getMax().getY(), bBox.getMax().getY())); bounds.getMax().setZ( Math.max(aBox.getMax().getZ(), bBox.getMax().getZ())); } return bounds; }// end V3UnionBox // ========== Matrix4Rotate() // =================================================== // // Purpose: Rotates the given matrix by the given number of degrees // around // each axis, placing the rotated matrix into the Matrix specified // by the result parameter. Also returns result. // // Rotation order is first X, then Y, and lastly Z. // // ============================================================================== public static Matrix4 Matrix4Rotate(Matrix4 original, Vector3f degreesToRotate) { TransformComponents rotateComponents = TransformComponents .getIdentityComponents(); Matrix4 addedRotation = Matrix4.getIdentityMatrix4(); Matrix4 result = Matrix4.getIdentityMatrix4(); // Create a new matrix that causes the rotation we want. // (start with identity matrix) rotateComponents.getRotate().setX( (float) Math.toRadians(degreesToRotate.getX())); rotateComponents.getRotate().setY( (float) Math.toRadians(degreesToRotate.getY())); rotateComponents.getRotate().setZ( (float) Math.toRadians(degreesToRotate.getZ())); addedRotation = MatrixMath .Matrix4CreateTransformation(rotateComponents); result = Matrix4Multiply(original, addedRotation); // rotate at // rotationCenter return result; }// end Matrix4Rotate // ========== Matrix4CreateTransformation() // ===================================== // // Purpose: Given the scale, shear, rotation, translation, and perspective // paramaters, create a 4x4 transformation.element matrix used to // modify row-matrix points. // // To reverse the procedure, pass the returned matrix to // Matrix4DecomposeTransformation(). // // Notes: This ignores perspective, which is not supported. // // Source: Allen Smith, after too much handwork. // // ============================================================================== public static Matrix4 Matrix4CreateTransformation( TransformComponents components) { Matrix4 transformation = Matrix4.getIdentityMatrix4(); // zero out the // whole thing. float rotation[][] = new float[3][3]; // Create the rotation matrix. double sinX = Math.sin(components.getRotate().getX()); double cosX = Math.cos(components.getRotate().getX()); double sinY = Math.sin(components.getRotate().getY()); double cosY = Math.cos(components.getRotate().getY()); double sinZ = Math.sin(components.getRotate().getZ()); double cosZ = Math.cos(components.getRotate().getZ()); rotation[0][0] = (float) (cosY * cosZ); rotation[0][1] = (float) -(cosY * sinZ); rotation[0][2] = (float) sinY; rotation[1][0] = (float) (sinX * sinY * cosZ + cosX * sinZ); rotation[1][1] = (float) (-sinX * sinY * sinZ + cosX * cosZ); rotation[1][2] = (float) -(sinX * cosY); rotation[2][0] = (float) (-cosX * sinY * cosZ + sinX * sinZ); rotation[2][1] = (float) (cosX * sinY * sinZ + sinX * cosZ); rotation[2][2] = (float) (cosX * cosY); // Build the transformation.element matrix. // Seeing the transformation.element matrix in these terms helps to make // sense of Matrix4DecomposeTransformation(). float elements[][] = transformation.getElement(); elements[0][0] = components.getScale().getX() * rotation[0][0]; elements[0][1] = components.getScale().getX() * rotation[0][1]; elements[0][2] = components.getScale().getX() * rotation[0][2]; elements[1][0] = components.getScale().getY() * (components.shear_XY * rotation[0][0] + rotation[1][0]); elements[1][1] = components.getScale().getY() * (components.shear_XY * rotation[0][1] + rotation[1][1]); elements[1][2] = components.getScale().getY() * (components.shear_XY * rotation[0][2] + rotation[1][2]); elements[2][0] = components.getScale().getZ() * (components.shear_XZ * rotation[0][0] + components.shear_YZ * rotation[1][0] + rotation[2][0]); elements[2][1] = components.getScale().getZ() * (components.shear_XZ * rotation[0][1] + components.shear_YZ * rotation[1][1] + rotation[2][1]); elements[2][2] = components.getScale().getZ() * (components.shear_XZ * rotation[0][2] + components.shear_YZ * rotation[1][2] + rotation[2][2]); // translation is so nice and easy. elements[3][0] = components.translate.getX(); elements[3][1] = components.translate.getY(); elements[3][2] = components.translate.getZ(); // And lastly the corner. elements[3][3] = 1; return transformation; }// end Matrix4CreateTransformation // ========== Matrix4DecomposeXYZRotation // ======================================= // // Purpose: Decomposes a rotation matrix into an X-Y-Z angle (in radians) // which would yield it, such that the X angle is applied first and // the Z angle last. // // The matrix must not have any affect other than rotation. // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f Matrix4DecomposeXYZRotation(Matrix4 matrix) { Vector3f rotationAngle = Vector3f.getZeroVector3f(); float[][] elements = matrix.getElement(); // Y is easy. rotationAngle.setY((float) Math.asin(elements[0][2])); // cos(Y) != 0. // We can just use some simple algebra on the simplest components // of the rotation matrix. if (Math.abs(Math.cos(rotationAngle.getY())) > SMALL_NUMBER)// within a // tolerance // of zero. { rotationAngle.setX((float) Math.atan2(-elements[1][2], elements[2][2])); rotationAngle.setZ((float) Math.atan2(-elements[0][1], elements[0][0])); } // cos(Y) == 0; so Y = +/- PI/2 // this is a "singularity" that zeroes out the information we would // usually use to determine X and Y. else if (rotationAngle.getY() < 0) // -PI/2 { rotationAngle.setX((float) -Math.atan2(elements[2][1], elements[1][1])); rotationAngle.setZ(0); } else if (rotationAngle.getY() > 0) // +PI/2 { rotationAngle.setX((float) Math.atan2(elements[2][1], elements[1][1])); rotationAngle.setZ(0); } return rotationAngle; }// end Matrix4DecomposeXYZRotation // ========== VolumeCanIntersectBox() // =========================================== // // Purpose: Checks whether a bounding box in model view space may intersect // a 2-d screen space bounding box, given a complete GL transform. // // This routine might return true even if there is no intersection, // but if it returns false, it is guaranteed that the bounding box // and screen space rect are disjoint. // // ============================================================================== public static boolean VolumeCanIntersectBox(Box3 bounds, Matrix4 transform, Box2 box) { if (bounds.getMin().getX() > bounds.getMax().getX() || bounds.getMin().getY() > bounds.getMax().getY() || bounds.getMin().getZ() > bounds.getMax().getZ()) return false; float aabb_mv[] = { bounds.getMin().getX(), bounds.getMin().getY(), bounds.getMin().getZ(), bounds.getMax().getX(), bounds.getMax().getY(), bounds.getMax().getZ() }; float aabb_ndc[] = new float[6]; float m[] = new float[16]; MatrixMath.Matrix4GetGLMatrix4(transform, m); GLMatrixMath.aabbToClipbox(aabb_mv, m, aabb_ndc); float x1 = V2BoxMinX(box); float x2 = V2BoxMaxX(box); float y1 = V2BoxMinY(box); float y2 = V2BoxMaxY(box); if (x1 > aabb_ndc[3] || x2 < aabb_ndc[0] || y1 > aabb_ndc[4] || y2 < aabb_ndc[1]) { return false; } return true; }// end VolumeCanIntersectBox // ========== Matrix4GetGLMatrix4 // =============================================== // // Purpose: Converts the row-major row-vector matrix into a flat column- // major column-vector matrix understood by OpenGL. // // // +- -+ +- -++- -+ // +- -+| a d g 0 | | a b c x || x | // |x y z 1|| b e h 0 | | d e f y || y | +- -+ // +- -+| c f i 0 | -. | g h i z || z | -. |a d g 0 b e h c f i 0 x y z 1| // | x y z 1 | | 0 0 0 1 || 1 | +- -+ // +- -+ +- -++- -+ // LDraw Matrix Transpose OpenGL Matrix Format // Format (flat column-major of transpose) // (also Matrix4 format) // // ============================================================================== public static void Matrix4GetGLMatrix4(Matrix4 matrix, float[] glTransformation) { int row, column; float[][] element = matrix.getElement(); for (row = 0; row < 4; row++) { for (column = 0; column < 4; column++) { glTransformation[row * 4 + column] = MatrixMath .round(element[row][column]); } } }// end Matrix4GetGLMatrix4 // ========== VolumeCanIntersectPoint() // ========================================= // // Purpose: Checks whether a point in screen space might interact with a 3-d // bounding box. Since we do "fuzzy" point testing using a screen // space bounds (to add thickness to infinitely thin lines) we use // the point's "soft" bounds here too. // // Notes: testDepthSoFar represents a limit that culls everything behind // it. Thus if hit testing finds a near object, farther back // objects are excluded via a fast path. // // ============================================================================== public static boolean VolumeCanIntersectPoint(Box3 bounds, Matrix4 transform, Box2 box, float testDepthSoFar) { if (bounds.getMin().getX() > bounds.getMax().getX() || bounds.getMin().getY() > bounds.getMax().getY() || bounds.getMin().getZ() > bounds.getMax().getZ()) return false; // We gotta use clipped conversion to NDC coordinates to get our // device-space // bounding box. If we don't, geometry behind the camera will mirror // around the // XZ and YZ planes and cause chaos. float aabb_mv[] = { bounds.getMin().getX(), bounds.getMin().getY(), bounds.getMin().getZ(), bounds.getMax().getX(), bounds.getMax().getY(), bounds.getMax().getZ() }; float aabb_ndc[] = new float[6]; float m[] = new float[16]; MatrixMath.Matrix4GetGLMatrix4(transform, m); GLMatrixMath.aabbToClipbox(aabb_mv, m, aabb_ndc); float x1 = V2BoxMinX(box); float x2 = V2BoxMaxX(box); float y1 = V2BoxMinY(box); float y2 = V2BoxMaxY(box); if (x1 > aabb_ndc[3] || x2 < aabb_ndc[0] || y1 > aabb_ndc[4] || y2 < aabb_ndc[1] || testDepthSoFar < aabb_ndc[2]) // If the // test // depth // is // LESS // than // our // MIN Z // then // we // ALERADY // are // closer // than // this // entire // test // model // - // skip // this // model! { return false; } return true; }// end VolumeCanIntersectPoint // ========== Matrix4DecomposeZYXRotation // ======================================= // // Purpose: Decomposes a rotation matrix into a Z-Y-X angle (in radians) // which would yield it, such that the Z angle is applied first and // the X angle last. // // The matrix must not have any affect other than rotation. // // Notes: Any given rotation (matrix) is unique, but the angles which can // produce it are not. We must make assumptions when decomposing. // One of those assumptions is the order in which we assume the // constituent angles were applied to produce the rotation. This // method assumes they were applied in ZYX order, which will yield // completely different numbers than the XYZ order would give for // the same matrix. // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f Matrix4DecomposeZYXRotation(Matrix4 matrix) { Vector3f rotationAngle = Vector3f.getZeroVector3f(); float[][] element = matrix.getElement(); // Y is easy. rotationAngle.setY((float) Math.asin(element[2][0])); // cos(Y) != 0. // We can just use some simple algebra on the simplest components // of the rotation matrix. if (Math.abs(Math.cos(rotationAngle.getY())) > SMALL_NUMBER)// within a // tolerance // of zero. { rotationAngle.setX((float) Math .atan2(-element[2][1], element[2][2])); rotationAngle.setZ((float) Math .atan2(-element[1][0], element[0][0])); } // cos(Y) == 0; so Y = +/- PI/2 // this is a "singularity" that zeroes out the information we would // usually use to determine X and Y. else if (rotationAngle.getY() < 0) // -PI/2 { rotationAngle .setX((float) Math.atan2(element[1][2], element[0][2])); rotationAngle.setZ(0); } else if (rotationAngle.getY() > 0) // +PI/2 { rotationAngle .setX((float) Math.atan2(element[0][1], element[1][1])); rotationAngle.setZ(0); } return rotationAngle; }// end Matrix4DecomposeZYXRotation // ========== FloatsApproximatelyEqual // ========================================== // // Purpose: Testing floating-point numbers for equality is horribly // difficult, owing to tiny little rounding errors. This method // attempts to determine approximate equality. // // It is insufficient to test with some tolerance value (such as // SMALL_NUMBER), because the minimum difference between two // floating-point values changes depending on how big the integer // component is. // // The trick is described here: // // // Basically, the bits of floating-point values are guaranteed to // be ordered, so if we compare them as SIGN-MAGNITUDE integers, // the integer difference represents the true relative difference. // There are 0xFFFFFFFF possible floating-point values; a // difference of, say, 2 doesn't amount to much! // // The main issue now is converting from 2's compliment into // sign-magnitude ints. // // ============================================================================== public static boolean FloatsApproximatelyEqual(float float1, float float2) { // todo // �뜝�룞�삕�뜝�룞�삕�뜝�룞�삕�뜝�룞�삕�뜝�룞�삕 �뜝�뙗�눦�삕�뜝�룞�삕. �뜝�룞�삕�뜝�룞�삕黎귛떉�뜝占� // �뜝�룞�삕�뜝�룞�삕�뜝�룞�삕 �뜝�룜�뼸�뜝�룞�삕 �뜝�룞�삕�뜝�룞�삕? // Use a union; it's less scary than *(int*)point1.getZ(); // union intFloat // { // int32_t intValue; // float floatValue; // }; // // union intFloat value1; // union intFloat value2; boolean closeEnough = false; // // // First translate the floats into integers via the union. // value1.floatValue = float1; // value2.floatValue = float2; // // // Make value1.intValue lexicographically ordered as a // twos-complement int // // (Floating-point -0 == 0x80000000; the next number less than -0 is // // 0x80000001, etc.) So we do: value1.intValue = 0x80000000 - // value1.intValue; // if (value1.intValue < 0) // value1.intValue = (1 << (sizeof(float) * 8 - 1)) - value1.intValue; // // // ...and do the same for value2 // if (value2.intValue < 0) // value2.intValue = (1 << (sizeof(float) * 8 - 1)) - value2.intValue; // // // Less than 5 integer positions different will be considered equal. // This // // number was pulled out of my hat. Each integer difference equals a // // different number depending on the magnitute of the float value. // if(abs(value1.intValue - value2.intValue) < 5) // { // closeEnough = true; // } // // The int method doesn't seem to work very well for numbers very // close to // // zero, where float values can have extremely precise // representations. So // // if we are trying to compare a float to 0, we fall back on the old // // precision threshold. // else if( float1 > -1 float1 < 1 // float1 > -1 float1 < 1 ) // { // if( fabs(float1 - float2) < SMALL_NUMBER) // { // closeEnough = true; // } // } if (Math.abs(float1 - float2) < SMALL_NUMBER) closeEnough = true; return closeEnough; }// end FloatsApproximatelyEqual // ========== V3EqualBoxes // ====================================================== // // Purpose: Returns 1 (YES) if the two boxes are equal; 0 otherwise. // // ============================================================================== public static boolean V3EqualBoxes(Box3 box1, Box3 box2) { return (box1.getMin().getX() == box2.getMin().getX() && box1.getMin().getY() == box2.getMin().getY() && box1.getMin().getZ() == box2.getMin().getZ() && box1.getMax().getX() == box2.getMax().getX() && box1.getMax().getY() == box2.getMax().getY() && box1 .getMax().getZ() == box2.getMax().getZ()); }// end V3EqualBoxes // ========== V3Project // ========================================================= // // Purpose: Projects the given object point into viewport coordinates. // // (Drop-in replacement for gluProject) // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f V3Project(Vector3f objPoint, Matrix4 modelview, Matrix4 projection, Box2 viewport) { Vector3f transformedPoint = Vector3f.getZeroVector3f(); Vector3f windowPoint = Vector3f.getZeroVector3f(); transformedPoint = V3MulPointByProjMatrix(objPoint, Matrix4Multiply(modelview, projection)); windowPoint.setX(viewport.getOrigin().getX() + (V2BoxWidth(viewport) * (transformedPoint.getX() + 1)) / 2); windowPoint.setY(viewport.getOrigin().getY() + (V2BoxHeight(viewport) * (transformedPoint.getY() + 1)) / 2); windowPoint.setZ((transformedPoint.getZ() + 1) / 2); return windowPoint; }// end V3Project // ========== V3UnionBoxAndPoint // ================================================ // // Purpose: Returns the smallest box that completely encloses both box and // point. // // ============================================================================== public static Box3 V3UnionBoxAndPoint(Box3 box, Vector3f point) { Box3 bounds = new Box3(); if (box==null || box == Box3.getInvalidBox()) { float min = point.getX(); bounds.getMin().setX(min); min = point.getY(); bounds.getMin().setY(min); min = point.getZ(); bounds.getMin().setZ(min); float max = point.getX(); bounds.getMax().setX(max); max = point.getY(); bounds.getMax().setY(max); max = point.getZ(); bounds.getMax().setZ(max); } else { float min = Math.min(box.getMin().getX(), point.getX()); bounds.getMin().setX(min); min = Math.min(box.getMin().getY(), point.getY()); bounds.getMin().setY(min); min = Math.min(box.getMin().getZ(), point.getZ()); bounds.getMin().setZ(min); float max = Math.max(box.getMax().getX(), point.getX()); bounds.getMax().setX(max); max = Math.max(box.getMax().getY(), point.getY()); bounds.getMax().setY(max); max = Math.max(box.getMax().getZ(), point.getZ()); bounds.getMax().setZ(max); } return bounds; }// end V3UnionBoxAndPoint // ========== Matrix4Scale() // ==================================================== // // Purpose: Scales the given matrix by the given factors along // each axis. Returns result. // // ============================================================================== public static Matrix4 Matrix4Scale(Matrix4 original, Vector3f scaleFactors) { TransformComponents components = TransformComponents .getIdentityComponents(); Matrix4 scalingMatrix = Matrix4.getIdentityMatrix4(); Matrix4 result = Matrix4.getIdentityMatrix4(); // Create a new matrix that causes the rotation we want. // (start with identity matrix) components.scale = scaleFactors; scalingMatrix = Matrix4CreateTransformation(components); result = Matrix4Multiply(original, scalingMatrix); return result; }// end Matrix4Scale // ========== Matrix4Translate() // ================================================ // // Purpose: Translates the given matrix by the given displacement, placing // the translated matrix into the Matrix specified by the result // parameter. Also returns result. // // ============================================================================== public static Matrix4 Matrix4Translate(Matrix4 original, Vector3f displacement) { Matrix4 result = Matrix4.getIdentityMatrix4(); // Copy original to result result = original; float[][] element = result.getElement(); element[3][0] += displacement.getX(); // applied directly to element[3][1] += displacement.getY(); // the matrix because element[3][2] += displacement.getZ(); // that's easier here. return result; }// end Matrix4Translate // ========== V3Negate // ========================================================== // // Purpose: negates the input vector and returns it // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f V3Negate(Vector3f v) { return V3MulScalar(v, -1); }// end V3Negate // ========== Matrix4DecomposeTransformation() // ================================== // // Purpose: Decompose a non-degenerate 4x4 transformation.element matrix // into the sequence of transformations that produced it. // // [Sx][Sy][Sz][Shearx/y][Sx/z][Sz/y][Rx][Ry][Rz][Tx][Ty][Tz][P(x,y,z,w)] // // The coefficient of each transformation.element is returned in // the corresponding element of the vector tran. // // Returns: 1 upon success, 0 if the matrix is singular. // // Source: Graphic Gems II, Spencer W. Thomas // // ============================================================================== public static int Matrix4DecomposeTransformation(Matrix4 originalMatrix, TransformComponents decomposed) { int counter = 0; int j = 0; Matrix4 localMatrix = new Matrix4(); localMatrix.setElements(originalMatrix.getElement()); Matrix4 pmat, invpmat, tinvpmat; Vector4f prhs, psol; Vector3f row[] = new Vector3f[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) row[i] = Vector3f.getZeroVector3f(); prhs = new Vector4f(); float[][] elements_local = localMatrix.getElement(); // Normalize the matrix. if (elements_local[3][3] == 0) return 0; for (counter = 0; counter < 4; counter++) for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) elements_local[counter][j] /= elements_local[3][3]; // ---------- Perspective // --------------------------------------------------- // Perspective is not used by Bricksmith. // pmat is used to solve for perspective, but it also provides an easy // way // to test for singularity of the upper 3x3 component. pmat = new Matrix4(); pmat.setElements(localMatrix.getElement()); for (counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++) pmat.getElement()[counter][3] = 0; pmat.getElement()[3][3] = 1; if (Matrix4x4Determinant(pmat) == 0.0f) return 0; // First, isolate perspective. This is the messiest. if (elements_local[0][3] != 0 || elements_local[1][3] != 0 || elements_local[2][3] != 0) { // prhs is the right hand side of the equation. prhs.setX(elements_local[0][3]); prhs.setY(elements_local[1][3]); prhs.setZ(elements_local[2][3]); prhs.setW(elements_local[3][3]); // Solve the equation by inverting pmat and multiplying prhs by the // inverse. (This is the easiest way, not necessarily the best.) // inverse function (and Matrix4x4Determinant, above) from the // Matrix // Inversion gem in the first volume. invpmat = Matrix4Invert(pmat); tinvpmat = Matrix4Transpose(invpmat); psol = V4MulPointByMatrix(prhs, tinvpmat); // Stuff the answer away. decomposed.perspective.setX(psol.getX()); decomposed.perspective.setY(psol.getY()); decomposed.perspective.setZ(psol.getZ()); decomposed.perspective.setW(psol.getW()); // Clear the perspective partition. elements_local[0][3] = 0; elements_local[1][3] = 0; elements_local[2][3] = 0; elements_local[3][3] = 1; } // No perspective else { decomposed.perspective.setX(0); decomposed.perspective.setY(0); decomposed.perspective.setZ(0); decomposed.perspective.setW(0); } // ---------- Translation // --------------------------------------------------- // This is really easy. decomposed.translate.setX(elements_local[3][0]); decomposed.translate.setY(elements_local[3][1]); decomposed.translate.setZ(elements_local[3][2]); // Zero out the translation as we continue to decompose. for (counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++) { elements_local[3][counter] = 0; } // ---------- Now get scale and shear. // -------------------------------------- // First translate to vector format, because all our linear combination // functions expect vector datatypes. for (counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++) { row[counter].setX(elements_local[counter][0]); row[counter].setY(elements_local[counter][1]); row[counter].setZ(elements_local[counter][2]); } // Compute X scale factor and normalize first row. decomposed.scale.setX(V3Length(row[0])); row[0] = V3Scale(row[0], 1.0f); // Compute XY shear factor and make 2nd row orthogonal to 1st. decomposed.shear_XY = V3Dot(row[0], row[1]); row[1] = V3Combine(row[1], row[0], 1.0f, -decomposed.shear_XY); // Now, compute Y scale and normalize 2nd row. decomposed.scale.setY(V3Length(row[1])); row[1] = V3Scale(row[1], 1.0f); decomposed.shear_XY /= decomposed.scale.getY(); // Compute XZ and YZ shears, orthogonalize 3rd row. decomposed.shear_XZ = V3Dot(row[0], row[2]); row[2] = V3Combine(row[2], row[0], 1.0f, -decomposed.shear_XZ); decomposed.shear_YZ = V3Dot(row[1], row[2]); row[2] = V3Combine(row[2], row[1], 1.0f, -decomposed.shear_YZ); // Next, get Z scale and normalize 3rd row. decomposed.scale.setZ(V3Length(row[2])); row[2] = V3Scale(row[2], 1.0f); decomposed.shear_XZ /= decomposed.scale.getZ(); decomposed.shear_YZ /= decomposed.scale.getZ(); // At this point, the matrix (in rows[]) is orthonormal. // Check for a coordinate system flip. If the determinant is -1, then // negate the matrix and the scaling factors. if (V3Dot(row[0], V3Cross(row[1], row[2])) < 0) { V3MulScalar(decomposed.scale, -1.0f); for (counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++) { V3MulScalar(row[counter], -1.0f); } } // ---------- Extract Rotation Angles // --------------------------------------- // Convert back to the matrix datatype, because that is what the // decomposition function expects. localMatrix = Matrix4.getIdentityMatrix4(); elements_local = localMatrix.getElement(); for (counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++) { elements_local[counter][0] = row[counter].getX(); elements_local[counter][1] = row[counter].getY(); elements_local[counter][2] = row[counter].getZ(); } // extract rotation decomposed.rotate = Matrix4DecomposeXYZRotation(localMatrix); // All done! return 1; }// end Matrix4DecomposeTransformation // ========== Matrix4Transpose() // ================================================ // // Purpose: transpose rotation portion of matrix a, return b // // Source: Graphic Gems II, Spencer W. Thomas // // ============================================================================== public static Matrix4 Matrix4Transpose(Matrix4 a) { Matrix4 transpose = Matrix4.getIdentityMatrix4(); int i, j; float[][] elements = transpose.getElement(); float[][] elements_a = a.getElement(); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) elements[i][j] = elements_a[j][i]; return transpose; }// end Matrix4Transpose // ========== V3Scale // =========================================================== // // Purpose: scales the input vector to the new length and returns it // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f V3Scale(Vector3f v, float newlen) { float len = V3Length(v); if (len != 0.0) { v.setX(v.getX() * newlen / len); v.setY(v.getY() * newlen / len); v.setZ(v.getZ() * newlen / len); } return (v); }// end V3Scale // ========== Matrix3MakeNormalTransformFromProjMatrix // ========================== // // Purpose: Normal vectors (for lighting) cannot be transformed by the same // matrix which transforms vertexes. This method returns the // correct matrix to transform normals for the given vertex // transform (modelview) matrix. // // Notes: See "Matrices" notes in Bricksmith/Information for derivation. // // Also // and // // We only need a 3x3 matrix because the translation in the 4x4 // transform (row 4) is undesirable anyway (a 4D vector should be // [x y z 0]), and column 4 isn't used. // // ============================================================================== public static Matrix3 Matrix3MakeNormalTransformFromProjMatrix( Matrix4 transformationMatrix) { Matrix4 normalTransform = Matrix4.getIdentityMatrix4(); Matrix3 normalTransform3 = Matrix3.getIdentityMatrix3(); int row = 0; int column = 0; // The normal transform is the inverse transpose of the vertex // transform. normalTransform = Matrix4Invert(transformationMatrix); normalTransform = Matrix4Transpose(normalTransform); float[][] element = normalTransform.getElement(); // Convert to a 3x3 matrix, because row 4 and column 4 are unnecessary. for (row = 0; row < 3; row++) { for (column = 0; column < 3; column++) element[row][column] = element[row][column]; } return normalTransform3; }// end Matrix3MakeNormalTransformFromProjMatrix // ========== V3RayIntersectsSegment // ============================================ // // Purpose: Determines if the shortest distance between the ray and segment // is within the tolerance. // // Notes: The tolerance is necessary because two lines in 3D graphics will // almost never actually intersect. But they may be within 1 pixel // of each other! // // Adapted from // // The body contains commented-out code for determining the closest // points between two line segments, rather than an infinite ray // and a finite segment. // // Parameters: ray - selection ray // segment2 - line segment to test (in same coordinates as ray) // tolerance - max distance to consider intersection // intersectDepth - on return, distance from ray origin to segment // intersection // // ============================================================================== public static boolean V3RayIntersectsSegment(Ray3 segment1, Segment3 segment2, float tolerance, FloatBuffer intersectDepth) { Vector3f u = segment1.getDirection(); // V3Sub(segment1.point1, // segment1.point0); Vector3f v = V3Sub(segment2.getPoint1(), segment2.getPoint0()); Vector3f w = V3Sub(segment1.getOrigin(), segment2.getPoint0()); float a = V3Dot(u, u); // always >= 0 float b = V3Dot(u, v); float c = V3Dot(v, v); // always >= 0 float d = V3Dot(u, w); float e = V3Dot(v, w); float D = a * c - b * b; // always >= 0 float sc = 0; // sc = sN / sD, default sD = D >= 0 float sN = 0; float sD = 0; float tc = 0; // tc = tN / tD, default tD = D >= 0 float tN = 0; float tD = 0; boolean intersects = false; // compute the line parameters of the two closest points if (D < SMALL_NUMBER) { // the lines are almost parallel sN = 0.0f; // force using point0 on segment S1 sD = 1.0f; // to prevent possible division by 0.0 later tN = e; tD = c; } else { // get the closest points on the infinite lines sN = (b * e - c * d); sD = D; tN = (a * e - b * d); tD = D; if (sN < 0.0) // sc < 0 => the s=0 edge is visible { sN = 0.0f; tN = e; tD = c; } // else if (sN > sD) // sc > 1 => the s=1 edge is visible // { // I think this is the part needed if the ray had been a segment // instead of a ray // As it is, we only care that sN >= 0 // sN = sD; // tN = e + b; // tD = c; // } } if (tN < 0.0) // tc < 0 => the t=0 edge is visible { tN = 0.0f; // recompute sc for this edge if (-d < 0.0) { sN = 0.0f; } // else if (-d > a) // { // I think this is the part needed if the ray had been a segment // instead of a ray // As it is, we only care that sN >= 0 // sN = sD; // } else { sN = -d; sD = a; } } else if (tN > tD) // tc > 1 => the t=1 edge is visible { tN = tD; // recompute sc for this edge if ((-d + b) < 0.0) { sN = 0; } // else if ((-d + b) > a) // { // I think this is the part needed if the ray had been a segment // instead of a ray // As it is, we only care that sN >= 0 // sN = sD; // } else { sN = (-d + b); sD = a; } } // finally do the division to get sc and tc sc = (float) (Math.abs(sN) < SMALL_NUMBER ? 0.0 : sN / sD); tc = (float) (Math.abs(tN) < SMALL_NUMBER ? 0.0 : tN / tD); // get the difference of the two closest points // distance = S1(sc) - S2(tc) // // Vector3f s1 = V3Add(segment1.point0, V3MulScalar(u, sc)); // Vector3f s2 = V3Add(segment2.point0, V3MulScalar(v, tc)); // Vector3f dP = V3Sub(s1, s2); // a more compact form: dP = w + (sc * u) - (tc * v) = S1(sc) - S2(tc) Vector3f dP = V3Add(w, V3Sub(V3MulScalar(u, sc), V3MulScalar(v, tc))); float minCloseness = V3Length(dP); // return the closest distance // printf("closeness = %f\n", minCloseness); if (minCloseness <= tolerance) { if (intersectDepth != null) intersectDepth.put(0, sc); intersects = true; } return intersects; } // ========== V3BoundsFromPoints // ================================================ // // Purpose: Sorts the points into their minimum and maximum. // // ============================================================================== public static Box3 V3BoundsFromPoints(Vector3f point1, Vector3f point2) { Box3 bounds = new Box3(); bounds.getMin().setX(Math.min(point1.getX(), point2.getX())); bounds.getMin().setY(Math.min(point1.getY(), point2.getY())); bounds.getMin().setZ(Math.min(point1.getZ(), point2.getZ())); bounds.getMax().setX(Math.max(point1.getX(), point2.getX())); bounds.getMax().setY(Math.max(point1.getY(), point2.getY())); bounds.getMax().setZ(Math.max(point1.getZ(), point2.getZ())); return bounds; }// end V3BoundsFromPoints // ========== V2BoxIntersectsPolygon // ============================================ // // Purpose: tests whether any point on or in the polygon (as defined by // a point array) intersects the given axis-aligned bounding // box. // // ============================================================================== public static boolean V2BoxIntersectsPolygon(Box2 bounds, Vector2f poly[], int num_pts) { int i, j; // Easy case: selection box contains a polygon point. Do this first - // it's fastest. for (i = 0; i < num_pts; ++i) if (V2BoxContains(bounds, poly[i])) return true; // Next case: if any edge of the polygon hits the box edge, that's a // hit. for (i = 0; i < num_pts; ++i) { j = (i + 1) % num_pts; if (V2BoxIntersectsLine(bounds, poly[i], poly[j])) return true; } // Finally: for polygons (tri, quad, etc.) our selection box might be // entirely INSIDE the // poylgon. Test its centroid. if (num_pts < 3) return false; else // Final case: for non-degenerate case, marquee could be FULLY // inside - test one point to be sure. return V2PolygonContains(poly, num_pts, V2Make(V2BoxMidX(bounds), V2BoxMidY(bounds))); } // ========== V2BoxContains // ===================================================== // // Purpose: simple containment test for points and boxes - on the line is // in. // // ============================================================================== public static boolean V2BoxContains(Box2 box, Vector2f pin) { return pin.getX() >= V2BoxMinX(box) && pin.getX() <= V2BoxMaxX(box) && pin.getY() >= V2BoxMinY(box) && pin.getY() <= V2BoxMaxY(box); } // ========== V2BoxIntersectsLine // =============================================== // // Purpose: tests whether a given line segment intersects any of the four // edges of an axis-aligned bounding box. // // ============================================================================== public static boolean V2BoxIntersectsLine(Box2 box, Vector2f pin1, Vector2f pin2) { float x1 = V2BoxMinX(box); float x2 = V2BoxMaxX(box); float y1 = V2BoxMinY(box); float y2 = V2BoxMaxY(box); if (!(pin1.getX() < x1 && pin2.getX() < x1) && !(pin1.getX() > x1 && pin2.getX() > x1)) { float yp = seg_y_at_x(pin1, pin2, x1); if (yp >= y1 && yp <= y2) return true; } if (!(pin1.getX() < x2 && pin2.getX() < x2) && !(pin1.getX() > x2 && pin2.getX() > x2)) { float yp = seg_y_at_x(pin1, pin2, x2); if (yp >= y1 && yp <= y2) return true; } if (!(pin1.getY() < y1 && pin2.getY() < y1) && !(pin1.getY() > y1 && pin2.getY() > y1)) { float xp = seg_x_at_y(pin1, pin2, y1); if (xp >= x1 && xp <= x2) return true; } if (!(pin1.getY() < y2 && pin2.getY() < y2) && !(pin1.getY() > y2 && pin2.getY() > y2)) { float xp = seg_x_at_y(pin1, pin2, y2); if (xp >= x1 && xp <= x2) return true; } return false; } // ========== HELPER FUNCTIONS: horizontal/vertical line testing // ================ // // Purpose: these two helper functions can be used to find the intercept // of a line (going through p1/p2) with a horizontal or vertical // line. We use this to do our seg-seg intersection with the AABB. // // ============================================================================== public static float seg_y_at_x(Vector2f p1, Vector2f p2, float x) { if (p1.getX() == p2.getX()) return p1.getY(); if (x == p1.getX()) return p1.getY(); if (x == p2.getX()) return p2.getY(); return p1.getY() + (p2.getY() - p1.getY()) * (x - p1.getX()) / (p2.getX() - p1.getX()); } public static float seg_x_at_y(Vector2f p1, Vector2f p2, float y) { if (p1.getY() == p2.getY()) return p1.getX(); if (y == p1.getY()) return p1.getX(); if (y == p2.getY()) return p2.getX(); return p1.getX() + (p2.getX() - p1.getX()) * (y - p1.getY()) / (p2.getY() - p1.getY()); } // ========== V2PolygonContains // ================================================= // // Purpose: test whether a point is within a polygon, as define by an array // of points. "On the line" points are in if they are on a left // or bottom (but not right or top) edge. // // ============================================================================== public static boolean V2PolygonContains(Vector2f begin[], int num_pts, Vector2f pin) { int end = num_pts; int cross_counter = 0; Vector2f first_p = begin[0]; Vector2f s_p1; Vector2f s_p2; s_p1 = begin[0]; int index = 0; index++; while (index != end) { s_p2 = begin[index]; if ((s_p1.getX() < pin.getX() && pin.getX() <= s_p2.getX()) || (s_p2.getX() < pin.getX() && pin.getX() <= s_p1.getX())) if (pin.getY() > seg_y_at_x(s_p1, s_p2, pin.getX())) ++cross_counter; s_p1 = s_p2; index++; } s_p2 = first_p; if ((s_p1.getX() < pin.getX() && pin.getX() <= s_p2.getX()) || (s_p2.getX() < pin.getX() && pin.getX() <= s_p1.getX())) if (pin.getY() > seg_y_at_x(s_p1, s_p2, pin.getX())) ++cross_counter; return (cross_counter % 2) == 1; } // ========== DepthOnLineSegment() // ============================================== // // Purpose: returns true if the screen-space point test_pt is on the line // segment v0..v1 in screen space. If true is returned, test_pt's // Z coordinate is set to the interpolated depth. // // Notes: All points are in screen-space. Tolerance^2 is the square of // the proximity distance we use. // // ============================================================================== public static boolean DepthOnLineSegment(Vector3f v0, Vector3f v1, float t2, // tolerance^2 Vector3f test_pt) { float ldx = v1.getX() - v0.getX(); float ldy = v1.getY() - v0.getY(); float ldz = v1.getZ() - v0.getZ(); float l2 = ldx * ldx + ldy * ldy; if (l2 == 0.0f) { if (PtsCloserThanT2InXY(v0, test_pt, t2)) { test_pt.setZ(v0.getZ()); return true; } return false; } float dx = test_pt.getX() - v0.getX(); float dy = test_pt.getY() - v0.getY(); float t = (dx * ldx + dy * ldy) / l2; if (t < 0.0f) { if (PtsCloserThanT2InXY(v0, test_pt, t2)) { test_pt.setZ(v0.getZ()); return true; } return false; } else if (t > 1.0f) { if (PtsCloserThanT2InXY(v1, test_pt, t2)) { test_pt.setZ(v1.getZ()); return true; } return false; } else { Vector3f proj_pt = new Vector3f(v0.getX() + t * ldx, v0.getY() + t * ldy, v0.getZ() + t * ldz); if (PtsCloserThanT2InXY(proj_pt, test_pt, t2)) { test_pt.setZ(proj_pt.getZ()); return true; } return false; } }// end DepthOnLineSegment public static boolean PtsCloserThanT2InXY(Vector3f p1, Vector3f p2, float dist_sqr) { // Returns true if p1 and p2 are closer than the sqrt of dist_sqr. float dx = p1.getX() - p2.getX(); float dy = p1.getY() - p2.getY(); return (dx * dx + dy * dy) < dist_sqr; } public static boolean V3RayIntersectsBox3(Ray3 ray, Box3 box, FloatBuffer intersectDepth, Vector2f intersectPointOut) { boolean intersects = false; Vector3f min, max; min = box.getMin(); max = box.getMax(); Vector3f verts[] = new Vector3f[4]; verts[0] = max; verts[1] = new Vector3f(max.x, min.y, min.z); verts[2] = new Vector3f(min.x, min.y, min.z); verts[3] = new Vector3f(min.x, min.y, max.z); intersects = V3RayIntersectsQuadrilateral(ray, verts[0], verts[1], verts[2], verts[3], intersectDepth, intersectPointOut); if (intersects == false) { verts[0] = max; verts[1] = new Vector3f(max.x, max.y, min.z); verts[2] = new Vector3f(min.x, max.y, min.z); verts[3] = new Vector3f(min.x, max.y, max.z); intersects = V3RayIntersectsQuadrilateral(ray, verts[0], verts[1], verts[2], verts[3], intersectDepth, intersectPointOut); } if (intersects == false) { verts[0] = new Vector3f(max.x, min.y, min.z); verts[1] = new Vector3f(max.x, max.y, min.z); verts[2] = new Vector3f(max.x, max.y, max.z); verts[3] = new Vector3f(max.x, min.y, max.z); intersects = V3RayIntersectsQuadrilateral(ray, verts[0], verts[1], verts[2], verts[3], intersectDepth, intersectPointOut); } if (intersects == false) { verts[0] = new Vector3f(min.x, min.y, min.z); verts[1] = new Vector3f(min.x, max.y, min.z); verts[2] = new Vector3f(min.x, max.y, max.z); verts[3] = new Vector3f(min.x, min.y, max.z); intersects = V3RayIntersectsQuadrilateral(ray, verts[0], verts[1], verts[2], verts[3], intersectDepth, intersectPointOut); } if (intersects == false) { verts[0] = new Vector3f(min.x, min.y, max.z); verts[1] = new Vector3f(max.x, min.y, max.z); verts[2] = new Vector3f(max.x, max.y, max.z); verts[3] = new Vector3f(min.x, max.y, max.z); intersects = V3RayIntersectsQuadrilateral(ray, verts[0], verts[1], verts[2], verts[3], intersectDepth, intersectPointOut); } if (intersects == false) { verts[0] = new Vector3f(min.x, min.y, min.z); verts[1] = new Vector3f(max.x, min.y, min.z); verts[2] = new Vector3f(max.x, max.y, min.z); verts[3] = new Vector3f(min.x, max.y, min.z); intersects = V3RayIntersectsQuadrilateral(ray, verts[0], verts[1], verts[2], verts[3], intersectDepth, intersectPointOut); } return intersects; } public static boolean V3RayIntersectsQuadrilateral(Ray3 ray, Vector3f vert0, Vector3f vert1, Vector3f vert2, Vector3f vert3, FloatBuffer intersectDepth, Vector2f intersectPointOut) { boolean intersects = false; intersects = V3RayIntersectsTriangle(ray, vert0, vert1, vert2, intersectDepth, null); if (intersects == false) { intersects = V3RayIntersectsTriangle(ray, vert2, vert3, vert0, intersectDepth, null); } return intersects; } // ========== V3RayIntersectsTriangle // =========================================== // // Purpose: Returns whether the given (normalized) ray intersects the // triangle. // // // Parameters: ray - selection ray // vert[0-2] - vertexes of triangle (in same coordinates as ray) // intersectDepth - on return, distance from ray origin to triangle // intersection // intersectPoint - on return, barycentric coordinates within // triangle of intersection point (can be NULL). // // ============================================================================== public static boolean V3RayIntersectsTriangle(Ray3 ray, Vector3f vert0, Vector3f vert1, Vector3f vert2, FloatBuffer intersectDepth, Vector2f intersectPointOut) { Vector3f edge1; Vector3f edge2; Vector3f tvec; Vector3f pvec; Vector3f qvec; double det = 0; double inv_det = 0; float distance = 0; float u = 0; float v = 0; // find vectors for two edges sharing vert0 edge1 = V3Sub(vert1, vert0); edge2 = V3Sub(vert2, vert0); // begin calculating determinant - also used to calculate U parameter pvec = V3Cross(ray.getDirection(), edge2); // if determinant is near zero, ray lies in plane of triangle det = V3Dot(edge1, pvec); if (det > -SMALL_NUMBER && det < SMALL_NUMBER) return false; inv_det = 1.0f / det; // calculate distance from vert0 to ray origin tvec = V3Sub(ray.getOrigin(), vert0); // calculate U parameter and test bounds u = (float) (V3Dot(tvec, pvec) * inv_det); if (u < 0.0 || u > 1.0) return false; // prepare to test V parameter qvec = V3Cross(tvec, edge1); // calculate V parameter and test bounds v = (float) (V3Dot(ray.getDirection(), qvec) * inv_det); if (v < 0.0 || u + v > 1.0) return false; // calculate t, ray intersects triangle distance = (float) (V3Dot(edge2, qvec) * inv_det); // Intersects; return info if (intersectDepth != null) intersectDepth.put(0, distance); if (intersectPointOut != null) intersectPointOut.set(V2Make(u, v)); return true; } // ========== V4FromVector3f // ====================================================== // // Purpose: Create a new 4D point whose components match the given 3D // point, with a 1 in the 4th dimension. // // Notes: This method is not suitable for creating 4D vectors, whose w // value must be 0. (That will cause the translation part of a 4x4 // transformation matrix to have no effect, which is what you want // for vectors.) // // ============================================================================== public static Vector4f V4FromVector3f(Vector3f originalPoint) { Vector4f newPoint = new Vector4f(); ; newPoint.setX(originalPoint.getX()); newPoint.setY(originalPoint.getY()); newPoint.setZ(originalPoint.getZ()); newPoint.setW(1); // By setting this to 1, the returned value is a // point. Vectors would be set to 0. return newPoint; }// end V4FromVector3f // ========== DepthOnTriangle() // ================================================= // // Purpose: Returns true if test_pt is in the triangle in XY space. // // Notes: All points are in screen-space; if true is returned, test_pt's // Z is the intersection depth. // // ============================================================================== public static boolean DepthOnTriangle(Vector3f v0, Vector3f v1, Vector3f v2, Vector3f test_pt) { float area = SignedAreaOfTriXY(v0, v1, v2); if (area == 0.0) return false; area = 1.0f / area; float A = SignedAreaOfTriXY(v1, v2, test_pt) * area; float B = SignedAreaOfTriXY(v2, v0, test_pt) * area; float C = SignedAreaOfTriXY(v0, v1, test_pt) * area; if (A >= 0 && B >= 0 && C >= 0) { test_pt.setZ(v0.getZ() * A + v1.getZ() * B + v2.getZ() * C); return true; } return false; }// end DepthOnTriangle public static float SignedAreaOfTriXY(Vector3f v0, Vector3f v1, Vector3f v2) { // This is the signed area of a triangle in XY space - used to calculate // bathymetric coordinates. return (v0.getX() - v2.getX()) * (v1.getY() - v2.getY()) - (v1.getX() - v2.getX()) * (v0.getY() - v2.getY()); } // ========== V3MulPointByMatrix // ================================================ // // Purpose: multiply a point by a matrix and return the transformed point // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f V3MulPointByMatrix(Vector3f pin, Matrix3 m) { Vector3f pout = Vector3f.getZeroVector3f(); float[][] element = m.getElements(); pout.setX((pin.getX() * element[0][0]) + (pin.getY() * element[1][0]) + (pin.getZ() * element[2][0])); pout.setY((pin.getX() * element[0][1]) + (pin.getY() * element[1][1]) + (pin.getZ() * element[2][1])); pout.setZ((pin.getX() * element[0][2]) + (pin.getY() * element[1][2]) + (pin.getZ() * element[2][2])); return pout; }// end V3MulPointByMatrix // ========== V3RotateByTransformMatrix // ================================================ // // Purpose: multiply a point by a matrix and return the transformed point // // ============================================================================== public static Vector3f V3RotateByTransformMatrix(Vector3f pin, Matrix4 m) { Vector3f pout = Vector3f.getZeroVector3f(); float[][] element = m.getElement(); pout.setX((pin.getX() * element[0][0]) + (pin.getY() * element[1][0]) + (pin.getZ() * element[2][0])); pout.setY((pin.getX() * element[0][1]) + (pin.getY() * element[1][1]) + (pin.getZ() * element[2][1])); pout.setZ((pin.getX() * element[0][2]) + (pin.getY() * element[1][2]) + (pin.getZ() * element[2][2])); return pout; }// end V3RotateByTransformMatrix // ========== V3DistanceBetween2Points // ========================================== // // Purpose: return the distance between two points // // ============================================================================== public static float V3DistanceBetween2Points(Vector3f a, Vector3f b) { float dx = a.getX() - b.getX(); float dy = a.getY() - b.getY(); float dz = a.getZ() - b.getZ(); float distance = (float) Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy) + (dz * dz)); return distance; }// end V3DistanceBetween2Points // ========== V3EqualPoints() // =================================================== // // Purpose: Returns YES if point1 and point2 have the same coordinates.. // // ============================================================================== public static boolean V3EqualPoints(Vector3f point1, Vector3f point2) { if (compareFloat(point1.getX(), point2.getX()) == 0 && compareFloat(point1.getY(), point2.getY()) == 0 && compareFloat(point1.getZ(), point2.getZ()) == 0) return true; else return false; }// end V3EqualPoints public static boolean V4EqualPoints(Vector4f point1, Vector4f point2) { if (compareFloat(point1.getX(), point2.getX()) == 0 && compareFloat(point1.getY(), point2.getY()) == 0 && compareFloat(point1.getZ(), point2.getZ()) == 0 && compareFloat(point1.getW(), point2.getW()) == 0) return true; else return false; } public static int compareFloat(float f1, float f2) { if (Math.abs(f1 - f2) < 0.01f) return 0; if (f1 > f2) return 1; return -1; } // ========== Matrix4RotateModelview() // ========================================== // // Purpose: Applies a rotation to a modelview matrix. Modelviews have // translations to incorporate the camera location; this method // maintains the camera location while rotating around the origin. // // Rotation order is first X, then Y, and lastly Z. // // ============================================================================== public static Matrix4 Matrix4RotateModelview(Matrix4 original, Vector3f degreesToRotate) { TransformComponents rotateComponents = TransformComponents .getIdentityComponents(); Matrix4 addedRotation = Matrix4.getIdentityMatrix4(); Matrix4 result = Matrix4.getIdentityMatrix4(); Vector3f camera = Vector3f.getZeroVector3f(); // Camera translation is in the bottom row of the matrix. Capture and // clear it so we can apply the rotation around the world origin. float[][] element = original.getElement(); camera = V3Make(element[3][0], element[3][1], element[3][2]); element[3][0] = 0; element[3][1] = 0; element[3][2] = 0; // Create a new matrix that causes the rotation we want. // (start with identity matrix) rotateComponents.getRotate().setX( (float) Math.toRadians(degreesToRotate.getX())); rotateComponents.getRotate().setY( (float) Math.toRadians(degreesToRotate.getY())); rotateComponents.getRotate().setZ( (float) Math.toRadians(degreesToRotate.getZ())); addedRotation = Matrix4CreateTransformation(rotateComponents); result = Matrix4Multiply(original, addedRotation); result = Matrix4Translate(result, camera); return result; }// end Matrix4RotateModelview // ========== V2MakeSize // ======================================================== // ============================================================================== public static Size2 V2MakeSize(float width, float height) { Size2 size = new Size2(); size.setWidth(width); size.setHeight(height); return size; } public static void copy_vec3(float d[], float s[]) { copy_vecn(3, d, s); } public static void copy_vec3(float d[], int offset_d, float s[], int offset_s) { copy_vecn(3, d, offset_d, s, offset_s); } public static void copy_vec4(float d[], float s[]) { copy_vecn(4, d, s); } public static void copy_vec4(float d[], int offset_d, float s[], int offset_s) { copy_vecn(4, d, offset_d, s, offset_s); } public static final void copy_vecn(int n, float d[], float s[]) { copy_vecn(n, d, 0, s, 0); } public static final void copy_vecn(int n, float d[], int offset_d, float s[], int offset_s) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) d[i + offset_d] = s[i + offset_s]; } // ========== V3RayIntersectsSphere // ============================================= // // Purpose: Returns whether the given (normalized) ray intersects the // sphere. // // Notes: Derived from solving: // R(t) = O + td // ray starting at (xO, yO, zO) extending in direction (dx, // dy, dz) // r^2 = (x - xc)^2 + (y - yc)^2 + (z - zc)^2 // sphere radius r centered at // (xc, yc, zc) // // // // ============================================================================== public static boolean V3RayIntersectsSphere(Ray3 ray, Vector3f sphereCenter, float radius, FloatBuffer intersectDepth) { float b = 0; float c = 0; float discriminant; float distance = 0; boolean intersects = false; // b and c stand for terms in the quadratic equation which solves for // the // depth of an intersection along the ray. (a is always 1 when the ray // is // normalized). Vector3f direction = ray.getDirection(); Vector3f origin = ray.getOrigin(); b = 2 * (direction.getX() * (origin.getX() - sphereCenter.getX()) + direction.getY() * (origin.getY() - sphereCenter.getY()) + direction .getZ() * (origin.getZ() - sphereCenter.getZ())); c = (float) (Math.pow(origin.getX() - sphereCenter.getX(), 2) + Math.pow(origin.getY() - sphereCenter.getY(), 2) + Math.pow(origin.getZ() - sphereCenter.getZ(), 2) - (radius * radius)); // Find the discriminant (the part under the square root) of the // quadratic // formula to determine if there are solutions (intersections). discriminant = b * b - 4 * c; if (discriminant >= 0.0) { distance = (float) ((-b - Math.sqrt(discriminant)) / 2); if (distance <= 0) { distance = (float) ((-b + Math.sqrt(discriminant)) / 2); } intersects = true; if (intersectDepth != null) intersectDepth.put(0, distance); } return intersects; } public static float round(float value) { return Math.round(value / LDrawGlobalFlag.DecimalPoint) * LDrawGlobalFlag.DecimalPoint; } public static Vector3f round(Vector3f value) { return new Vector3f(round(value.x), round(value.y), round(value.z)); } }